imoka thoma imoka
عن أبى هريرة رضى الله عنه قال: ((جاء رجل إلى رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) فقال: يا رسول الله.. من أحق الناس بحسن صحابتي؟ قال: أمك.. قال: ثم من؟.. قال: أمك.. قال: ثم من؟.. قال: أمك.. قال: ثم من؟.. قال: أبوك)) (متفق عليه).
- Engraving
- Colors
- Sizes
All our art pieces are made from premium quality laminated MDF boards, engraved using the latest and most precise techniques. Our engraving can go up to 15mm deep, giving a fascinating final look to the art pieces.
All our art pieces are made from premium quality laminated MDF boards, engraved using the latest and most precise techniques. Our engraving can go up to 15mm deep, giving a fascinating final look to the art pieces.